Yesterday after work the weather was not the best, there were very low clouds and it was misting and raining on and off. I went back out to my favorite puffin spot and sure enough there were a dozen puffins floating right off shore. I just watched them float around and dive for fish for fifteen minutes or so until they started to take fight. It looked like they were taking off for open water but they circled back around and started landing on the cliff above me. It was funny watching them circle the cliff looking for a place to land. Some of them would land and take right back off. I don't know why but these birds really fascinate me, they are a lot of fun to watch. After a while they all took off to feed on some fish out on the harbor. On my way back to the hotel I stopped by the Iliuliuk River to a bush where I have seen a Belted Kingfisher hang out. I had only seen him there once before and have stopped by there many times since then to see if he was there, but with no luck. To my surprise there he was sitting on a branch of a bush, and I was able to pull up right beside him in the truck and get a few shots.
Canon 30D, canon 300mm + 1.4 TC, SanDisk digital film.
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